Thanks to everyone who commented and emailed me about how to finish the Wiggles and Waves sleeves! Now I know what to do, I just have to get it done....
Kitty Warhol is courtesy of a cool little Flickr thingamabob. Enjoy!
Knitting and the meaning of life as I know it.
There's a reason I've been AWOL from this blog for the past couple of weeks. I have a long birth story to tell but that will have to be for another day. Here's the high level:
I developed a severe form of preeclampsia very quickly, literally overnight. In a span of 3 days, I went from my normal routine to Suddenly Motherhood. The complications from the preeclampsia made the labor long (26 hours after induction) and the delivery quite torturous (back labor with very little epidural effect). Plus, I had to have an assisted birth (vacuum) because the baby was stuck and I was exhausted and panicked.
When Karalyn finally showed up, though, it was like a miracle had just happened. I still get teary-eyed when I think about it all.
I was in the hospital for another 3 days while the doctor tried to get my blood pressure and edema under control - don't I look like I have Gary Coleman cheeks?? As of this writing, the baby is still in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU). She is doing wonderfully well - she's off any medications, she's eating well (I have already started to breasfeed) and she doesn't seem to be suffering any ill effects from all that had happened in utero and during L&D.
Everyone says she is a princess, though. She knows what she wants (a diaper change, feeding, etc) and gets it. I don't have a problem with that.
It's so hard to leave her at the hospital after a visit and I can't wait to have her home. So far I am enjoying everything about motherhood that I am allowed to experience. I feel so very, very lucky.
Karalyn Eve
May 7, 2006 3:50pm
4 lbs 14 oz
17 inches
(BTW, I finished Kristy's baby blanket! And right now I've knitting a hat for Karalyn. Preemie clothes and hats are very hard to find - knitters who have donated crocheted and knitted hats are angels.)
As March comes to a close, my last post for this month reflects on the past year.
I started this blog on March 2nd, 2005 with a bit of trepidation. What in the world would someone like me write about? My life is ordinary. My knitting is average. My writing is rusty. But oh, what a difference a year makes. You, dear blog readers, have witnessed an incredible time of learning and change for me.
On the knitting front - in no particular order of importance, I've learned how to knit lace and socks, conquered my fear of DPNs and taught myself new techniques like felting, Kitchener and the Figure 8 cast-on. Many projects were finished: a baby afghan, a lace capelet, 2 pairs of socks, the Diane tank, the Booga bag, a bunch o' scarves, a shrug, baby hat, baby jacket, the Shapely Tee and the One Skein Wonder. This is a list that's longer than I expected!
About blogging, writing and photography - blogging has generated renewed interest and confidence in my writing as well as in photography. How has it affected me? I started looking for opportunities to apply these skills in my every day. Some of you have been particularly supportive of this effort and sent me very encouraging email. You would be interested to know that I have managed to incorporate writing in my latest position at work. I have been designated as the "Communications Czar" for my overall group! Although not officially part of the job description, I'm hoping it will turn out to be something formal and permanent by the end of 2006. As for photography, it was extremely gratifying that 2 of my photos were accepted in my company's photography contest last fall. These photos are still touring the different company sites all over the world.
Speaking of travelling - you all have been subjected to posts about my trips here and abroad. I usually go on one big trip per year and since last March that adventure was Germany. However, you know by now I'm just as happy hiking in Mendocino, Yosemite, the Sierras and the urban jungle that is San Francisco. My new job (same company) also provides time to hop on a plane to Arizona and Oregon. No matter where I go, I somehow manage to find yarn shops and hope that some of my store reviews have been helpful to you.
Now new friends - blogging about knitting led me to meet several local knitters, wonderful people I never would've had a chance to know otherwise. And those who I haven't met in person yet, we still have time! And when we do finally see each other it will be as if we'd known one another for ages. I'm flabbergasted at this concept...blogging has truly brought a community of us knitters together! I so enjoy reading about your knitting and your lives. Everyone is fascinatingly different.
Personal notes - and of course through blogging you've come to know me not just as a knitter. You know...I have silly cats; that I adore my (sort of) new husband; about my futile efforts to be more patient; I own snowshoes; orchids are one of my weaknesses; I am a freak about cameras; that I will soon be a mother. Getting married and becoming pregnant (not in that order *grin*) are the most significant developments of all since last March, and captured here in the blog.
Who knew this would all happen? I think the blog has brought me good luck. The past 12 months have been some of the most fateful, momentous and memorable times of my life.
Thanks for sharing them with me.
Lynette & Karl
March 18, 2006
Las Vegas, Nevada
Can you say cheesy? Karl and I are camera-shy but at least he is photogenic in this picture.
In my last post, I had said how I wanted the week to fly. It just zoomed away and suddenly on St. Patty's day evening we found ourselves in Fabulous Las Vegas just before midnight. Setting the pattern for the rest of the weekend, we met up with a friend and promptly stayed out until 2am eating and catching up on each other's news.
On Saturday morning we taxied to the courthouse to pick up a marriage license in downtown Las Vegas. This was probably the sleaziest part of the whole deal...there was a special office just for licenses and it looked exactly like a bank: a long marble table in the middle with forms and pens, a cordoned line of people nervously waiting their turn, five teller windows to process your request. $59 dollars poorer, we walked out with a license.
The wedding was held much later that day at the MGM Grand's wedding chapel, Forever Grand. I had a hair up-do appointment at their swanky Cristoph Salon and Spa where the stylist spent an hour shaping my hair into a mod Asian bun. Then I walked over to the chapel, got dressed with Karl and, well, got married. Warning: Everyone who has watched this said it made them tear up and cry.
After the wedding we whooped it up with a super dinner at the Craftsteak (it was also Karl's birthday so we had a birthday cake) and then saw a Cirque du Soleil show, Ka. No one went to bed early that evening. The rest of the weekend was spent sightseeing, more eating, more staying out late. We hardly did any gambling at all. That's for another trip ;-)
We've been married for a week. Is it any different? Not at all! Except we have rings we keep forgetting where we put down last. The focus is now on a healthy baby and getting ready for her arrival.
As far as knitting goes, I slaved away each night last week trying to finish the Streakers Shrug but it overwhelmed me in the end. I was still knitting it on the plane on the way home from Las Vegas. In fact, our flight from Las Vegas was delayed so we rushed from one terminal to another to catch our connecting flight in Los Angeles. We were a sight to behold - Karl dragging a pregnant woman who was huffing and puffing with a large wad of knitting in her arms and a 12-ft train of yarn trailing behind her. No wonder everyone was staring at us.
I finished knitting the shrug this week but have to seam up the sleeves. Maybe pictures of that tomorrow.