When I was a kid, I saw the usual shows - Gilligan's Island, Bewitched, Love Boat, all those goofy shows in the 70's. In hindsight they were a lot more wholesome and innocent than the violent and gratuitous crap we are offered these days.
However, when I was an infant and toddler I watched next to nothing TV. In fact, my first memory of TV was a basketball game (probably why I love Sportscenter so much).
Why am I talking about this? I read a CNN article about Moms and TV: A Love-Hate Relationship. I really have a thing about TV and babies and young kids. They don't mix. Is this considered too idealistic in this day and age? Working moms are caught between a rock and hard place - how to keep a child occupied while you try to get mundane but necessary chores done? I run around the house like a frazzled chicken picking up stuff, folding laundry, washing dishes while Karalyn is either playing in her gymini (which means I stop every few seconds to check on her) or taking a nap (then I stop every 20 min to I check on her).
There is a lot of guilt and frustration about how much TV a child should watch and what programming is considered helpful. If I had my way, Karalyn would only ever see Animal Planet, National Geographic, Discovery and History. Oh, a little DIY wouldn't hurt every now and then. But is even that too much? Is it too commercialized? Would she learn anything from them?
You know the worst part about it though? TV won't be the biggest problem when Karalyn gets older. By then it will be (gulp) the evil Internet.

Happy Knitting all!
A couple blocks away from Imagiknit?! Lucky you!
I can understand your love/hate relationship. I've been so consumed with television with this pregnancy that sometimes I want to scream! I suppose this new bedrest thing doesn't help either. *sigh* Maybe I should stick to cartoons! :)
man your brother is a good brother. haha
i don't think there is too much tv...but i am the product of parents who used their tv as a babysitter. you just have to be careful as to WHAT she watches. :) I admit, i still do watch alot of tv, but is that really a BAD thing? i think it's more about quality rather than quantity. my brother watched just as much tv as i did...and he doesn't watch that much anymore. people are too quick to blame other things for their problems. :)
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