I haven't had time to knit, but it only takes 2 seconds to buy yarn over the internet. I've had a hankering for some Malabrigo and thought I had scored a deal on 7 skeins.
I was at the Destash Blog and when I saw the original picture of the 7 skeins, a fleeting thought went through my mind, "Hmmm. Looks like some Manos that I already have." I shook it off and went straight to PayPal.
But now look. The wound ball on the left is supposed to be Malabrigo. The skein on the right, Manos, from my stash. Don't they look the same thick and thin?? They feel the same.
Irked! But only a bit. On the bright side, I now have 10 skeins of #109 Manos to make a sweater. And I can continue my quest for the perfect Malabrigo. Hehehe.
Yarn is yarn! Use it! LOL. Pretty color combo too! :)
i wonder if they both have yarn manufactured at the same plants? either way, both are gorgeous and the color is so pretty! =)
They certainly look the same to me! But the colourway is lovely though. :)
man that color is GORGEOUS! :)
there are so many similarities with malabrigio and manos. i can't tell half the time. throw in some rio de la plata...but rio has waaaay different colorways. but simliar feel :)
That's crazy - they do look exactly the same!
That's crazy! They both look the same to me as well.
Sounds like a lucky yarn purchase. Hope all is going well with you. We have been having renovations and life is just returning to a sort of normality
That yarn is absolutely beautiful.
What a lucky buy.
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