Lynette & Karl
March 18, 2006
Las Vegas, Nevada
Can you say cheesy? Karl and I are camera-shy but at least he is photogenic in this picture.
In my last post, I had said how I wanted the week to fly. It just zoomed away and suddenly on St. Patty's day evening we found ourselves in Fabulous Las Vegas just before midnight. Setting the pattern for the rest of the weekend, we met up with a friend and promptly stayed out until 2am eating and catching up on each other's news.
On Saturday morning we taxied to the courthouse to pick up a marriage license in downtown Las Vegas. This was probably the sleaziest part of the whole deal...there was a special office just for licenses and it looked exactly like a bank: a long marble table in the middle with forms and pens, a cordoned line of people nervously waiting their turn, five teller windows to process your request. $59 dollars poorer, we walked out with a license.
The wedding was held much later that day at the MGM Grand's wedding chapel, Forever Grand. I had a hair up-do appointment at their swanky Cristoph Salon and Spa where the stylist spent an hour shaping my hair into a mod Asian bun. Then I walked over to the chapel, got dressed with Karl and, well, got married. Warning: Everyone who has watched this said it made them tear up and cry.
After the wedding we whooped it up with a super dinner at the Craftsteak (it was also Karl's birthday so we had a birthday cake) and then saw a Cirque du Soleil show, Ka. No one went to bed early that evening. The rest of the weekend was spent sightseeing, more eating, more staying out late. We hardly did any gambling at all. That's for another trip ;-)
We've been married for a week. Is it any different? Not at all! Except we have rings we keep forgetting where we put down last. The focus is now on a healthy baby and getting ready for her arrival.
As far as knitting goes, I slaved away each night last week trying to finish the Streakers Shrug but it overwhelmed me in the end. I was still knitting it on the plane on the way home from Las Vegas. In fact, our flight from Las Vegas was delayed so we rushed from one terminal to another to catch our connecting flight in Los Angeles. We were a sight to behold - Karl dragging a pregnant woman who was huffing and puffing with a large wad of knitting in her arms and a 12-ft train of yarn trailing behind her. No wonder everyone was staring at us.
I finished knitting the shrug this week but have to seam up the sleeves. Maybe pictures of that tomorrow.
wow, your officially a mrs.!! and you looked so beautiful in your video! congrats - very happy for you and your growing family =D
Congratulations - your picture is beautiful.
Congratulations, Lynette and Karl!!! I'm so glad that you enjoyed a lovely wedding. Thank you for sharing the video -- yes, I teared up! You look gorgeous, and both of you seem very happy. Congrats again!
Awwwww thanks for sharing the video! I thought I was going to be on the only one who teared up. You both looked beautiful.
Congratulations! You both look fabulous in the wedding pic! And of course, especially the bride! hehehe ...
I agree with you ... the feeling is not too much different before and after marriage ... but I never take my ring off, so that's not a problem for me.
Your description at the end cracked me up ... what a scene you two made at the terminal!
Congratulations to you and Karl!! I'm so happy for you!! I wish you both much love and happiness always. You both look so happy in your wedding picture- such a cute couple. ;-) And you look so beautiful and radiant, too. I had to chuckle at your description about the airport... I remember those days of waddling and huffing and puffing! Except, I didn't knit back then, so I didn't have the cathedral length yarn train trailing behind me. ;-) Congratulations, again, Lynette! :-)
Congraultionas! How sweet, thank you for sharing your wedding video with us.
How wonderful! That was a beautiful ceremony. You looked so gorgeous and Karl was so handsome! I got all teary (and I'm at work). I wish you a life filled with the truest of love and happiness and blessings to come!
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