In very spare moments I've been able to do a little knitting. Since the baby arrived I've knit another baby hat and a cardigan:
This is the Baby Hat from One Skein

Details - yarn is Peru DK Luxury, 70% merino, 20% alpaca and 10% silk. I used US size 4 needles but didn't change the pattern other than that. I originally knit this while Karalyn was in the neonatal intensive care unit (NICU) but her head was still too small to wear it properly. Now her head may be too big and it's super hot here so she won't wear it anyway. It's a cute hat. Easy pattern, very fast.
The latest item is the Baby Bolero, also from One Skein

This one is knit with Debbie Bliss cotton cashmere and is leftover yarn from the Diane tank from last year. I think I knit this on size 9 needles for the body and size 10 for the ribbing. Another easy knit, pretty quick. I wish I had done this in the round, though, instead of in separate pieces.
I'm currently halfway through another knitted item, a dress, for Miss Karalyn. That one is really, really fast but I wasn't able to do much more over the weekend beyond completing the back.
My days are different now (see Babe in the Wool). Before, I used to obsess about what I would knit and what yarn I would buy next. Now I am the 24/7 caretaker of a tiny baby. And it takes so much time! I've always taken pride in being an organized person and I think I still do pretty well, but wow it's a challenge every day just to be showered and changed by 10am. I still think about knitting a lot because it's my little escape. Those moments when I can knit more than one row are like gold.
Hopefully I can get more done when Karalyn is a little older (or is that just a pipe dream?)

what a cutie!!! and your knitted FO's are darling too. hope you are doing well =)
your FO's are beautiful! and it's good to see you blogging again! i figured that baby was being demanding. lol. she's beautiful. what a blessing!
You'll definitely have more time when she's a little older. Newborns are very labor intensive, but it gets easier. BTW, she's absolutely beautiful.
Oh she is gorgeous. I'm so glad to hear from you again, I figured life must be crazy insane.
Glad things are going well though, and thanks for sharing her beautiful little face with us.
That bolero came out so cute!
I don't have any first hand knowledge, but I'm sure it will get easier and you'll get more time as she gets older. It's kind of like she's only just made it to newborn stage, and you spent the firt month getting her there the hard way while most mothers get to sit back and just let them "bake." Know what I mean?
She's so cute!
I was starting to wonder if things were okay with you and the little one. I'm glad to hear they are. Life sounds like normal for the parent of a newborn. She is very cute!
It will get easier to knit, trust me. But it will take a while. Some things get harder, some things get easier. It's always changing. Enjoy your little girl!
Welcome back!
Yeah, in about 18 years you'll be able to set your own schedule again! :) But it's a happy ride with lots of rewards -- just remember: be flexible! :)
(She's a real doll! Good job!)
Glad to see you're still finding time (and have enough energy) to knit. Love the baby hat and bolero.
Let me know if you ever want a knitting buddy - I could stop by over lunch or after work. [yes, this is just a thinly veiled attempt to get to see Karalyn in person. ;)]
Oh, I've missed you and glad to see a pic of the sweetie!! very cute hat and sweater..
oh and yes, when she is oh, lets say 15 you may get some time, depending on what activities you are at :-)
Now off to visit babe in the wool.
She is so sweet and the cardi and sweater are really cute.
So good to see a post from you... the time issues WILL get better. She is going to be one spoiled, wrapped in handknits, baby!
What a sweet little face! Love the hat and the little bolero will look adorable on her!
Personally, I think its nothing short of amazing that you've gotten that much knitting done.
And a belated congratulations. She's beautiful.
Oh my she's beautiful! Your best FO yet ;) Although FO is a misnomer I guess considering there is still so much to do!
When my granddaughter was born I would find a spot where I could place her on my front and knit while she napped a bit :)
Congratulations! Enjoy, they are grown with their own before you know it.
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