Never mind food cravings during pregnancy. I've had crafty cravings instead - of the baby knits kind. I didn't look twice at baby stuff before, not even when friends started to pop out their bambinos. Nothing like having it happen to yourself, though. I've been on a Bootie Quest since I saw a cute pair in Melanie Falick's
Knitting for Baby (thank you, Caitlyn!).

This is my "practice pair" because when I read through the directions I wasn't sure I liked them. Turns out this pattern is rather well-known, as bootie patterns go. While I used the book you could easily follow
this version. Yarn: Rowan 4-Ply. Needles: Bryspun 5" DPNs size US 4. Modifications: I added a slipped stitch selvedge to the garter stitch sole for easier pick-up. Observatations: relatively easy but the directions to even out the number of stitches per DPN were awkward. Next time I will do this on smaller needles, say #2.

The "production pair" is from 50 Bootees to Knit by Zoe Moeller with the textured cuff. Note that this matches the
baby ski hat from a couple of months ago. My friend will receive both as one of her shower gifts. I may even have enough yarn to make thumbless mittens but we'll see. This super cute bootie pair took next to no time to knit but I was not pleased to seam the sole. It is knit in one piece but seaming the sole and heel are required. Yarn: Filati Biberon. Needles: Addi Turbo size US 2. Modificatons: none. Observations: Next time I will knit the sole separately with a selvedge, pick up stitches on all sides (like a purse) and follow the directions in reverse.

Another FO for the month is another gift scarf, this time for my youngest brother. Not that he will be able to use it any time soon because it's almost 90 degrees in Atlanta but it's the thought that counts. And it's still cold here in Northern California. Just an excuse for him to visit. I love this yarn! It is heavenly soft; I bought a skein for myself in loden green to make the same scarf later. It might be in everyone's stocking at Christmas too. The pattern is free from Misti Alpaca, an easy slip stitch that could be used for socks. Yarn: Misti Alpaca Chunky. Needles: Addi Turbo size US 13. Modifications: none. Observations: this is a short scarf, skip the ruffles to make it a few inches longer.

Spring is trying so hard to come to the part of the world I am. It's been another weird and wacky season weather-wise with lots of rain and cool temperatures. I wanna be in the 70's and 80's already so I can buy those cute maternity halters and tops! But I digress. There were brief respites from the rain this afternoon so I took a quick trip to the backyard for this photo of our garden path. Karl and I worked hard to finish this up last summer. At first the little plants were so skinny and lost-looking but the groundcover spread like weed. There are 4 different kinds. Wish I could tell you what they are but I only remember the creeping thyme and flea bean (the low shrub with white flowers which turn pink).

About 2 years ago I bought 3 iris plants, put them in the ground and promptly watched them wilt. I had faith they would come back, though, and they have for 2 years. I once kept iris bulbs in a basement for a year and planted them. They were fine. Other plants are blooming too. My outdoor orchids have been sensational. I'll show them next time. One of my indoor orchids, the dendrobium, is shooting up a flower stem. I whooped for joy when I discovered it because I've literally tried to kill this plant with no success. It hasn't bloomed in over 5 years.
The knitting is keeping me sane. I am slowly but surely getting the gestational diabetes under control but it's still hard to prick my finger 4 times a day. Actually it's more than that sometimes but I won't go into the goriness. Let's just say it's psychological torture for me because I'm such a wimp!
Hope ya'll have a good knittin' week.
Not blooming in 5 years and now suddenly shooting such a beauty? That's a really good sign ... especially with the weather being so gloomy lately! The baby booties are cuties! Knitting small things is such a pleasant experience, don't you think? Like me, one night I can get 2 dishcloths to make chores like washing dishes a pleasure! Take care, Lynette!
your iris picture is breathtaking!! again, it's those photography skills of yours. =)
and your baby projects, oh-so-cute! =)
Those baby booties are so adorable!!
What adorable booties, I am enjoying knitting for babies, even though I know the baby will be out of the garment probably quicker then I knit it, it's still fun.
Great flower pictures.
the booties are way cute. ;) Hey..that's the same scarf I did for my scarf exchange pal! hahaha. it's easy huh? :)
loving's the booties.
and I am impressed with your garden. it is so pretty. I wish i had you green thumb, not much tends to survive around me...
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