Have you ever *not* bought a sweater from a store or catalog because you thought you could knit it yourself?
While looking through the latest collection of catalogs that have started to clog my mailbox in anticipation of the holiday season, I realized I can no longer look at Knitted Objects in any catalog without first dissecting how they are constructed. Then I decide whether or not I can knit them. This mental game, which began when I started knitting, has become more and more gratifying: if I can figure out how a commercial sweater has been knit, (1) I feel fairly confident I can knit it and (2) I don't have the urge to buy it!

For example, my favorite store is J.Jill. I swear that half my wardrobe is from this store because they carry petite sizes in such cute clothes that can easily go from weekend (very important) to weekday. All right, I will end the plug there. Anyway. Look at the interestingly named Textured Purl-Knit Cardigan to the left. I can knit that. Chances are, I can buy the cotton yarn at a discount for less than the $68 retail price (labor cost is another matter). But why buy something as simple as a reverse stockinette, nay, Purl-Knit, sweater for that much?

Would I consider buying the $288 "Aran Isle"? Heavens, no. I enjoy spending money but even I think that's excessive. I would rather spend the cash on good yarn to knit it myself. Natch.
Until the next day in the life...
$288 for a sweater? My husband would definitely kill me ... considering that I am financially unproductive! LOL!
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I think that all the time. I really can't bring myself to buy any sweater that I could conceivably knit myself. And J. Jill is my favorite catalogue to pour over and get inspiration from.
I clicked on the hoodie, but it's still a tiny pic...
i hear ya. i have the same thing. even just walking on campus, i'll see cardigans or sweaters and my brain just works at a million miles an hour.
especially if they want you to pay $288. Are they talking US dollars, did they forget a conversion?!
I have a wardrobe full of JJill items also! Some of the sweaters are too boxy for me, but the Talls are great - pants/jeans - ok the opposite than your situation.
$288 for a sweater???? THey must be smokin somethin!
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