On the knitting front, Clapotis is still on the needles. However, I'm determined to get this done by the end of September! It's close - just a few more repeats in the last section. Until it's complete, I vowed not to start on anything else.
Well At least, not knitting-wise.
I started sewing this tote bag last weekend. Sewing has always been an interest but the process is very intimidating to me. All that pressing and pinning and marking and cutting. I've sewn hems and small things like that before but I've never used a pattern. Patterns scare me. I found the tutorial for the tote bag and it didn't seem so hard. And I didn't have to worry about a pattern.
I started by not selecting the proper fabric. Instead of a stiffer canvas-type fabric I chose something flimsy. The saleswoman at Beverly's talked me into using a fusible interfacing that is literally as stiff as cardboard. I was afraid my sewing machine needle was going to break when I seamed the little gusset corners. The handles are all that are left to do this weekend. I promise to post a picture regardless of how the bag turns out.
Speaking of photos, here's one my aunt took in my parents' backyard in April. Karalyn can look quite different depending on who she's with. In this picture she favors Karl more than me.

Wow! Karalyn does look totally different in those two pictures! I wouldn't have recognized Karalyn in the last one :o) hahaha! However...Erik recognized his buddy right away!!
goodness gracious she's gotten SO BIG! i haven't seen a photo of you in a long time. your short hair looks fantastic! :D
Great photos! Isn't it crazy how fast they go from babies to little kids?
Btw, I'm tagging you to share 6 random things...if you wish :)
There's so much in life for you to do right now, what with a full plate of full-time job, a little one to raise and household to manage. Yeah, you have the right to live in the moment.
The latest photo of you and Karalyn is one of the best. Mother and Daughter Moment! Wow! Frame it!
Your haircut is absolutely fantastic!
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