In the normal knitty scheme of things, a sweater that stretches out like this is baaaad, very baaaad. Serendipitously, though, for a toddler who needs to go shopping every 6 months for new clothes, this sweater is perfect! She's been able to wear it for 2 fall/winter seasons now and it just keeps on stretching.
I wonder if there's any way SWTC could market this wonderful feature. Superwash and super stretch! Grows with your child! A knitter's dream.
The adorableness of this picture is making my teeth hurt.
That is a pretty cool feature for the sweater. How long will it last? Wouldn't it be funny if she wore it to her first day of kindergarten?
Eh, Lynette, if you want to practice your knitting patterns on boy...please feel free to knit for Erik! :) I just LOVE seeing these custom outfits (esp the very cool socks, which I want a pair HINT HINT) HAHAH!
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