It's an embarrassment of riches.

Pictured above are 4 66-qt Rubbermaid bins of yarn. Not lightly, gently packed yarn mind you. I've stuffed the bins to the gills and can barely snap the lids on. The yarn is organized by color, which meant that some "lots" had to be separated. However, in the process I discovered I could make really pretty shawls by combining similar-colored but differently textured yarn.
Another interesting discovery or perhaps enlightenment...I thought I had more pink/magenta/fuschia than any other color range but in truth, I have more lavender/purple *and* teal/turquoise. If you look in my closet you'd see that the dominant colors are white, pink/red and black. I'm not sure what this means but I think it's important somehow. Like my subconscious talking to me.
Would you believe this is only half of my entire stash? The nicer half, but still only half. The other gigantic bins are in the study. They were the ones not quite worthy of being displayed in the cabinets, at least at the time I had purchased the shelves.
You probably know by now that the Destash site on Blogger has been turned off, and thank goodness. That was my nemesis and yet I couldn't stay away. That and the Yahoo group Knitswap.
But, going through my stash has brought me to my senses straightaway. I don't want to buy any more yarn! I can't believe how much I have, and it's so beautiful! I love looking at my yarn and almost regret having to knit any of it. is also embarrassing and somewhat bewildering. What was I thinking? 19 skeins of Noro Iro? 28 skeins (yes, 28!!) of Debbie Bliss Alpaca Silk? I haven't even swatched the DB Alpaca Silk yet. I had a notion of knitting Lara, but never got around to it.
In addition to 8 66-qt bins of yarn, I have 2 full garbage bags full of "Yarn To Go". There's still some nice stuff in these To Go bags but most of them are just twosies or threesies of skeins. It's funny. When I was sorting the yarn in these bags, I had a hard time deciding if they should stay or go. Then I began pawing through my Glamorous Yarn and it became very obvious what had to stay.
Here's the latest news on the house. We won't be moving in August after all. The renters, aka Sellers, need another month before their new home is finished. So being the nice people that we are, of course we will let them stay where they are. At this point it would be kind of silly to kick them out, but it does mean that my parents will probably live with us for a month before we move.
The good news...well, I can go on an Alaska cruise in August now if I can get my act together and plan it. Yay!!
The back yard is gorgeous. I'm very envious. I'm in the same place with yarn. I have so much wonderful yarn that I really want to use and so aside from a skein of sock yarn here and there (and for use in gift socks) I haven't bought any yarn since the first of the year. I does make me feel good, but I'm not getting through my stash as quickly as I'd like.
Wow, girl, you weren't kidding when you said you had alot of yarn!! And secondly - there's a Part 2??
Btw, thanks for showing your stash. I love seeing what goodies other people have... I'm nosy like that! =)
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