Pattern: "Polly" from Berroco Scarves and More Collection #225
Yarn: Berroco Pronto, color Wild Rose, 50% cotton 50% acrylic
Gauge: 3 sts/in
Needles: US size 10 and 11
Size: Large (12 mos)
Don't look too closely at the picture. It's a cute dress, very fast to knit and I liked the little detail using double yarn overs for the ribbons. But. My knitting is very uneven with this piece, especially the Reverse Stockinette. I had to put it down (to change diapers, burp the baby, etc.) and pick it back up so many times I thought I was never going to finish. Karalyn will wear it next year and she won't care that the knitting isn't perfect so I guess that's all that matters.
I'm trying to decide what to knit next. I want to do something for me but not a sweater...I still need to lose a little more weight. Maybe a shawl? An easy one like

Shoalwater from Fiber Trends? I've got about 900 yards of Koigu Kersti in the Ocean colorway that would look very similar to the picture. Or, I've also got 600 yards of Lorna's Laces Lion & Lamb in Iris Garden. That would make a small Shoalwater or Clapotis. Can Clapotis be used as a shawl if I blocked it out?
While I make this extremely critical and important decision, I'm working on a pair of socks. I
started them last year as an experiment using Magic Loop, the
Figure 8 cast-on, 2 socks simultaneously and toe-up all at the same time. It was a bit much trying to do the socks on the same needles so I split them up but I still got bored. They have been on the needles ever since, and I suddenly feel compelled to complete now them even though they're just straight stockinette.
My days are running into each other. Beyond the feedings, diaper changes, burp sessions and seemingly endless crying jags (Karalyn's, not mine) I manage to get out. Sometimes I take Karalyn for a 2 mile walk to Starbucks. Sometimes we just meander around the mall. Then again, on some afternoons we just lie around on the ottoman and take a nap. I've watched every sporting event there is on TV. Oprah is my new friend. Life is very slow right now.
Latest photos of the babe.