Debbie Bliss' Scoop Neck Cardigan. Size: small (32). Yarn: Noro Silk Garden #34, 7 skeins. Knitty things: size 8 Addi Turbo, 2.5mm crochet hook, 9 buttons.

Pretty, isn't it? A little scratchy and warm (it's 90 degrees outside) but it fits well and I like it! The sleeves caused me some issue - they are still too long despite taking 1 inch off. And I was very careful about seaming this one: all the pieces were blocked and I attempted to sew the sleeves to the armholes a couple of times each before I was satisfied. I used embroidery floss to seam because the Noro was simply too fragile for that. Sounds disturbing, huh? We'll see how it holds up when the weather cools down again and I wear it more often. It's actually seen some action already - I wore it in Seattle (got compliments at
So Much Yarn) and a few days here at home when the temps were still in the 70s.
Next up is the "Dress Me Up" pattern for Karalyn from Yarn Girls Guide to Kids Knits. Wait till you see the colorway.

Oh, gotta a new haircut. I love the convenience of short hair but I'm not sure it suits everyone else, ha!
Gotta run, it's late again....