For those who feared I had abandoned knitting altogether, think again! Aside from various socks and mittens for the wee one, I raced through a sweater for the Lil Babe. I give you - the Striped Sweater from Yarn Girls' Guide to Kids Knits. Ta-dah!
I finished this, what...a week ago. I don't even remember all the pattern details now. The yarn came from my stash: RYC Cashsoft Aran (a washable, cashmere and merino blend) in colors Foxglove, Haze and Bud. I had just enough plus a couple of skeins leftover for fingerless gloves later (hmm, Fetching comes to mind).
Karalyn on the back step. Adorable, yes? The sweater is huge on her. I think it's a size 2 toddler which was oversized anyway. Hopefully she can wear this in the fall too.
I've already moved on to other projects. I'm almost finished with the Twinkle Skating Sweater from Twinkle's Big City Knits. Also back on the needles is Karalyn's Wiggles and Waves cardigan which I am determined to finish before her 2nd birthday. This one is done except for the edging. I'll have pix of both next week, but keep your fingers crossed.
What a cutie-patootie! The sweater looks great on her, I love the stripes.
I can't believe how big she looks! Clearly haven't seen her often enough. Soon!
Love, Erika
I saw her wearing it on Kelly's party. She looks so cute with the colorful stripes!
Karalyn is adorable in her sweater. You are deservedly a proud mum.
I read your last post on happiness, and I know what you mean. At the end of each day I assess myself for what I have achieved - usually work related.
I have trouble with the here and now too. Thanks for the reminder to value what we have.
You make stripes look so appealing:) Of course, the model helps immensely, too... she sure is growing into a cutie pie. I hope that your happiness quotient has risen in the past several weeks:) It has been a hard, stressful winter for me, so I certainly know I need to refocus regularly on the essentials of life... spring sure is welcome this year.
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